I never watch Grey's Anatomy reruns but I was channel surfing and I stopped because there was knitting going on.
Patrick Dempsey: "You're knitting in a bar."
Chick: " I'm making a sweater."
Bartender: "You can't knit in a bar, you're scaring the customers!"
It made me think about taking classes this fall. I was almost afraid to take knitting needles with me. Would they be banned? When classes were just about over, I took my sustainable hardwoods with me. Only good to do battle with vampires!
Recently I read a piece and the author stated that knitting began about seven hundred years ago. My understanding is that archeologists have found linen socks knitted in Egypt that go back several thousand years. Also, I once found a picture of a sweater dug up somewhere in France that was dated to arounf 700 A.D.! I have read some fairly recent publications that state that sweaters "as we know them" did not exist until the late part of the nineteenth century; again, seamen wore sweaters long before they became a fashion statement. Since this textile form existed in many societies in slightly different forms, I think it will be hard to say where it actually began. Wouldn't it be fascinating to know the exact moment when someone said " we'll tie knots in this and make a garment"?
I haven't been posting because my neck and shouldrs have "tightened" up; I'm guessing it has to do with the weather changes...
More talk later...!